Make Money with Sex?

According to a survey by the Berlin colleague, one in three students can envisage financing their education through prostitution. Almost four percent of the students actually do this. Petra was one of them. The former art student worked on her experience as part-time worker in her book “After the lecture in the brothel”. “Escort Ibiza” spoke to the author about her duplication between the library and the brothel.

Escort Ibiza: Mrs. Petra, are there no well paid secondary jobs for students?

Petra: Well, I’ve tried it at temporary work companies. But they always offered me jobs over the day and I could not agree with my studies soon. My parents gave me no money and the BAföG was not enough. When my then friend left me for another, I was faced with the choice: Either I give up everything and move back to my parents. Or I finance the new furniture and the apartment alone.


Escort Ibiza: How did you get the idea to go to a brothel?
Petra: Looking through the job advertisements, I noticed the ad of a nightclub, which looked for girls between 18 and 35 years – “also beginners”. I was curious, cried at once, and was to meet the same evening. The boss opened the door. A couple of girls were already sitting down at the bar. The men gave them drinks, they talked. Some then moved upwards.

Escort Ibiza: Did not you feel uncomfortable?

Petra: There was no time for that. After a short conversation, the boss told me that there was a guest who was looking for new girls. And in French. She sent me with him to a room. He was quite unattractive, pushing a big belly in front of him. I did not know what to do. But he pressed my head right into his lap, I should blow him. He came in my mouth. I suppressed a gag and got 80 euros. That was easy money. From then on I went to the club twice a week.

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Escorts Ibiza: daytime talks, evening red light – how could you separate this?

Petra: I was always good at shutting down. The moment I painted and changed, I slipped into the role of the whore. After work I bathed and forgot everything. It was only a problem when I met people who I knew from the club during the day. Once, one of my regular guests came to the cafe where I was sitting with my fellow students. Fortunately, he did not recognize me. That would have been unpleasant.

Escort Ibiza: Your friends knew nothing about it?

Petra: They thought I would work as an evening secretary. Only my two best friends have told the truth. The first two weeks they found the totally exciting. But then they too got used to my job – as if I were going to wait.

Escorts Ibiza: They have worked for six years in the brothel. Have you never thought of quitting?

Petra: Yes, it does. There were also really bad situations. Once I went home with a guest. He lived in a rather gloomy hole. After the sex he said “I will not let you go”. Luckily I could flee. Otherwise, the guests were relatively normal. And through the job I could afford a lot: the big apartment, clothes, travel …

Escort Ibiza: Why did you go out?

Petra: I always said after graduation is final. After the last test, I stopped at the nightclub. But the job was anything but easy. I got many cancellations and the bills went on. So I decided to go to another club. There were several beds in a room. This was like assembly line work. I did not feel comfortable there. After all, I got a promise: I should look after an art exhibition. That was my start into the normal working life.

Escort Ibiza: What would you advise a young student who is considering prostituting herself?

Petra: You should try to find another job. The danger of getting used to the money as a part-time worker and not making the jump is just too big.

Escort Ibiza: Sounds like you regret something.

Petra: Not prostitution. Rather the study. Could I start again from the beginning, I would choose another compartment. Economy or law, perhaps. Something to make money with.

Escort Ibiza: Have you learned anything whatsoever you can use today as a whore?

Petra: Human knowledge. If someone wants to go with you to the room, you have to feel: Is the guy okay? Even when you are having sex, you have to quickly notice whether or not you like it. I’m pretty good at interpreting moods. I’m never wrong

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