My Life As A Brazilian Escort In Las Palmas

My working name is Maria (as in, that is not my real name) and I am a Brazilian escort working in Spain and sometimes other parts of Europe. I do not like getting too far from the sun shine, as you would expect. I have been working as an escort for eight years now. No one forced me into it and it is work that, while I am not excited by it, I know I am good at and it gives me enough money to live the life I want to live. I go back to Brazil to see my family twice a year, usually for a month at a time. It is always good to see them. Once every couple of years my family will come to Spain to visit me. The apartment will get a little full then, because that means my mother, father, sister and two brothers. Luckily none of my brothers or sisters are married yet! All the family know what I do for a living and they are all fine with it. Sex is not such a big thing in Brazil as it is in Europe or America. But I do not work while they are here. I do not want to rub their noses in it too much.

brazilian escort working out in las palmas dumbells and black shorts and crop topI came to Spain to live with my Portuguese boyfriend. We had been together for a year in Sao Paolo before we came to Europe. After a few months in Portugal we got married. Partly because we loved each other and partly to make sure that I could stay in Europe and would not have any problems with the immigration authorities. Inevitably pretty soon after that we separated. And before you get cynical and think that it was a marriage of convenience, it was him who left me. For a girl from his work. We stay in touch, but I had to find a way to pay the bills if I was going to stay in Europe. While I was in Las Palmas for the winter sun and work, I went from waitress to stripper to lap dancer to full-on escort in Las Palmas over the course of about four months as I could see the extra money the next type of girl was making.

Having sex with men for money is absolutely no problem for me. I like keeping in shape and I love dressing up and looking pretty. And I am making enough money to put lots aside each year and save up for my future. I think I probably have another five to eight years before my looks start to fade and I would have to start taking work I do not want. But by then I should have made more than enough money to buy my own place and start my own business, either here or back in Brazil.